Tag Archives: severities

this ‘one’ birthed radical unto the daring daylights, with eyes of molten suns and pasolini spirits.. ends your rotten blackened era


that ‘one’ molten moon-like sun
and ‘a’ spark, this diehard pasolini
spirit in possessed grips- are not
some bygone ‘ones’ of expired

yesterdays in sepia’s suppressed
surrogate dreams, rather slightly

a greasy stigmatic layered ‘paaladai’
still radically stuck from their
slimming silken floatative skins: this
‘a’ countryside’s divinely conceived
teurgoule of meditative severities

it, this destined ‘one’, sweetsourly
haunts in birthing contractions
kicks its way out of ‘a’ kaliyug’s
rampantly blindfolded nepotistic
hierarchical unculled networks

to ‘a’ cried out clarity of streaming
daylights, this child this ‘one’ who’s
breaking free of shackled clutches

whatever long ‘the’ laid out complicity
matrices, these tracherous nexuses

Pic: Web, ‘Re-birth’ abstract art by Delawar- Omar