destination is not far away


youthful airs in self-prison
          breaks out much late

noisy ramblings, the many new rush
of drowsy sensations
of its now let loose hungry boundaries
the vagabond winds
as they turn themselves into
eventually gather
after steepy leeward downsizings
          its suffocating pitfalls
          amongst degrading valleys
          and  attitudinal mountains
as a point of consolidation
realize it all the hardway
heads into its unidirectional pathway
of whatever undulating terrains
with deep-trenches of pains and darkness
though stepping successive
into light plains and peaking mounds
of silence and consciousness
until unto
the unreturing destination
of its own calling

its soul containment

P.S: this write was i spired by a 2014 tamil movie number ( ‘ pogum padhai dhooram illai’ from Pisaasu movie)
link to this soul-stirring number:

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